Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Show 95: Olympia, Stump House

MONEYS: $55 +$5 merch
INJURIES: Unscathed!

STORIES: Stump house has cats! Two matching black cats that'll lick and lick and lick your fingertips! I was terribly exhausted and kind of sucking the mop before the show for some reason. Layed on the couch trying to sleep through high-volume sound checks.

Once the show started I was feeling better, mainly because the local music was awesome. Knot Pine Box might be my favorite music we've played with. After the show, I was feeling great. Maybe I need to start every day with being tied to a chair and pistol whipped.

Peter played the loud set. There's something very visual about these pieces Peter's been playing. Something that makes me want to make music videos for them. Maybe i'll do that.

Dancing bare not bear
waiting for ships in traffic
makes ben get antsy

Did you see this show? If you did, write a review, ask us some questions or comment on it. We'd love to hear it becuase we believe in artistic transparency.

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