Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lincon, NE at Cultiva Cafe

Here are two pics from Nebraska, the top one is slightly more interesting.

INJURIES: Ben reeled his head back hitting my chin leaving it all novacainy feeling. Also, I scratched Ben's head in one part by acciddent leaving two red streaks. Another also, the metal clasp holding up Ulysses' pants was torn asunder and needs mending.

STORIES: Our first Cafe show of the tour. Shane of Monsters of Pot set it up and it went great. On the high end of cafe shows to date. Went to a goth show afterward with Shane that reminded me that I haven't seen goth or people that can dance as gracefully as that one guy did in a while. All in all, stellar times.

Peter played his quiet set. Which wasn't very quiet, more like an alien heartbeat and demonic chanting monster. Rawr! I like it.

Here's the haiku from the drive there:

Rolling hills rolling
across Iowa farmland,
dear jesus I'm bored.

Did you see this show? If you did, write a review, ask us some questions or comment on it. We'd love to hear it because we believe in artistic transparency.

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