Sunday, September 13, 2009

Show 13: New Paltz NY

We did not play at the Gilded Otter.
We did play at 60 Main.
: 20ish
Cut of the Door: $42, Merch: 20
Personal Injury Report: Ben's immune system

Show Description: Played at a coffee shop on the main drag of New Paltz. It was kind of strange to begin with, but then got better.

We'd expected or hoped that New Paltz would be kind of like Bisbee AZ, an out of the way small hippieish town, but, not so. The ratio of locals to tourists weighed even more heavily than Bisbee's on the cuff of the slick-back-haired vacationing businessman's sleeve.
The people who saw the show though were great and we had some good conversations afterward.

Again, for the second time! no one noticed the gun when Kate left through the front door and walked straight out into the street. One of these times she's gonna get tackled.

On the other hand, people did notice when we brought the merch box outside to load back into the car. One guy who'd missed the gun spotted it immediately and excitedly informed us that we could grow pot in it if we drilled some holes in the bottom, and (after some wittiness) that if we didn't want to grow pot in it, then we didn't want to make money. So be it. Our fate is sealed. Fuck.

Anyway, with some time to kill, and New Paltz offering so many opportunities to victorize things, we did just that. Here are some of the results:
We have a towering grandiose waterfall, large french fries along with proof that we were competing with Green Day, (they're listed on the white board), and Express Yourself Tattoo, (my favorite), all victorized, all much better for it.

Did you see this show? If you did, comment, write a review, or ask us some questions. We'd like to hear it because we believe in artistic transparency.


  1. After the show i had a great conversation with a guy who's been working in corporate life for 35 years and now plans to tour the country with a trailer full of tools and fix things for people for free, and take donations when they're offered.

    The new mode of production is spontaneously arising from many isolated people and places. Directionless, decentralized economic revolution underway.

  2. by "directionless" i mean "not directed by anyone" not "without direction" you know what i mean.
