Thursday, April 8, 2010

Show 74: Knoxville, TN

Turnout: 13
Monetary Support: $55.07
Injury Report: Kate decided to change the "she holds the gun to touch his chest as he stands" part into "she holds the gun to ram his head as he stands" it was a bad idea.

Description: First show of a ten day tour, a Tuesday in Knoxville, where we've never been before. We played the Birdhouse, which is an old house converted into a sort of community center that does a little bit of everything. Mostly artist studio/gallery space, but also home of a small zine library and a food not bombs. We performed with Circle Modern Dance, one of the art groups that work out of the Birdhouse.

I really enjoy performing with modern dance groups. I don't mean to sound like a hippy, but they really warm spaces up with some nice tense energy. Something about dance tightens the audience's focus and also makes me more aware of my body in our performance. I find myself thinking of writhing in the chair as a sort of dance.

Anyway, the dance group was great, the venue was great, discussion after the show was solid, and, while the turnout was a bit low, they were definitely supportive. Our performance felt a little slow and low energy, but the audience definitely stayed with us throughout.

Afterward we went to a house party/pot luck with music acts, including a front lawn folk serenade of affectionate songs about inebriation by a couple who were appropriately inebriated and hardly made it through the set, to great comic effect.

Did you see this show? If you did, write a review, comment on it, or ask us some questions. We'd love to hear it because we believe in artistic transparency.

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